Know Raman Science centre Nagpur

Know Raman Science centre Nagpur 


  • Inception: The Raman Science Centre was established on March 7, 1992, in honour of the Nobel Laureate Sir C.V. Raman, who made significant contributions to the field of science.
  • Vision: The centre was established with the vision of fostering scientific temper and curiosity among the general public, especially students, through interactive exhibits, workshops, and educational programs.

I    Infrastructure:  

    • Location: Raman Science Centre is located in the heart of Nagpur city, making it easily accessible to residents and tourists alike.
    • Building: The centre boasts a modern and spacious building equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide an immersive learning experience.
    • Exhibition Halls: RSC features multiple exhibition halls housing a wide range of interactive exhibits and displays on various scientific principles, innovations, and discoveries. These exhibits are designed to engage visitors of all ages and backgrounds.
    • Auditorium: There is an auditorium within the center premises, which serves as a venue for hosting seminars, conferences, and educational programs related to science and technology.



    ·         Interactive Exhibits: The highlight of Raman Science Centre is its extensive collection of interactive exhibits that cover diverse fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and technology. These exhibits encourage hands-on learning and experimentation, making science education fun and engaging.

    ·         Digital Planetarium: The center is equipped with a digital planetarium that offers immersive and educational shows on astronomy, celestial phenomena, and space exploration. Visitors can enjoy captivating visual experiences of the universe projected onto a domed screen.

    ·         Science Demonstrations: RSC regularly conducts live science demonstrations and experiments to demonstrate scientific principles in action. These demonstrations are conducted by trained educators and are aimed at enhancing understanding and curiosity about science among visitors.

    ·         Educational Programs: Raman Science Centre organizes a variety of educational programs, workshops, and training sessions for students, teachers, and science enthusiasts. These programs cover topics ranging from basic scientific concepts to advanced research areas, catering to different age groups and educational backgrounds.

    ·         Library and Resource Center: The center also houses a library and resource center with a collection of books, journals, and multimedia resources related to science and technology. Visitors can access these resources for further learning and research.

    ·         Outreach Activities: In addition to its on-site facilities, Raman Science Centre engages in extensive outreach activities to promote scientific awareness and education in schools, colleges, and communities across the region.

    Overall, Raman Science Centre serves as a hub for science enthusiasts and learners, offering a dynamic environment where curiosity, creativity, and innovation thrive. It plays a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of scientists and technologists while fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and exploration in society.

    1. Interactive Physics Exhibits:

    • Mechanics Gadgets: These exhibits demonstrate principles of mechanics, including simple machines like pulleys, levers, and gears. Visitors can explore concepts such as force, motion, and equilibrium through interactive models and demonstrations.
    • Optics Gadgets: Explore the fascinating world of optics with gadgets that illustrate phenomena like reflection, refraction, and dispersion. Visitors can experiment with lenses, mirrors, and prisms to understand how light behaves.
    • Electricity and Magnetism Gadgets: Learn about electricity and magnetism through hands-on exhibits featuring circuits, electromagnets, and generators. Visitors can explore concepts such as voltage, current, and magnetic fields.

    2. Digital Planetarium:

    • Projection Systems: The digital planetarium utilizes advanced projection systems to display stunning visuals of the night sky, planets, stars, and galaxies. High-definition projectors and immersive audio create a realistic and engaging experience for viewers.
    • Software Interfaces: Specialized software interfaces allow operators to control the planetarium's content, enabling them to showcase astronomical phenomena, simulations, and educational presentations. 


    3. Science Demonstrations:

    • Experimentation Kits: RSC provides experimentation kits equipped with various gadgets and instruments for conducting live science demonstrations. These kits may include materials for experiments related to chemistry, physics, biology, and environmental science.
    • Demonstration Tools: Educators use a range of demonstration tools such as models, diagrams, and multimedia presentations to illustrate scientific concepts effectively to visitors of all ages.

    4. Interactive Technology Exhibits:

    • Touchscreen Displays: Interactive touchscreen displays offer engaging multimedia content related to science and technology. Visitors can access information, videos, and interactive simulations to learn about topics such as robotics, nanotechnology, and space exploration.
    • Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences: Some exhibits incorporate augmented reality technology to provide immersive and interactive learning experiences. Visitors can use AR-enabled devices to visualize complex scientific concepts in a dynamic and interactive manner.

    5. Laboratory Equipment (Educational Workshops):

    • Microscopes: RSC may provide educational workshops where visitors can use microscopes to observe microscopic organisms, cells, and other specimens. This hands-on experience enhances understanding of biology and microscopy techniques.
    • Experimental Setup: Workshops may include experimental setups with laboratory equipment such as beakers, test tubes, and measuring instruments. Visitors can conduct experiments under the guidance of trained educators to explore scientific phenomena firsthand.


    1. Promoting Scientific Temper:

    • Encouraging Curiosity: One of the main goals of RSC is to instill a sense of curiosity and wonder about the natural world and scientific phenomena among people of all ages.
    • Developing Critical Thinking: By engaging visitors in hands-on experimentation and interactive learning experiences, RSC aims to develop critical thinking skills and a scientific mindset that encourages questioning, exploration, and inquiry.

    2. Science Education and Literacy:

    • Enhancing Science Education: RSC seeks to complement formal science education by providing supplementary resources, exhibits, and programs that reinforce classroom learning and make science more accessible and engaging for students.
    • Promoting Lifelong Learning: Through its exhibitions, workshops, and educational activities, RSC aims to promote lifelong learning and ongoing engagement with science beyond formal education settings.

    3. Bridging the Gap between Science and Society:

    • Democratizing Science: RSC endeavours to democratize science by making scientific knowledge and concepts accessible to people from diverse backgrounds, regardless of their educational or socioeconomic status.
    • Fostering Public Dialogue: By facilitating interactions between scientists, educators, and the public, RSC aims to foster a culture of dialogue and collaboration that promotes mutual understanding and appreciation of science in society.

    4. Inspiring Future Innovators:

    • Nurturing Creativity and Innovation: RSC aspires to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators by providing them with opportunities to explore, experiment, and innovate in a supportive and stimulating environment.
    • Showcasing Scientific Achievements: Through its exhibits, demonstrations, and outreach activities, RSC highlights the achievements and contributions of scientists and technologists, inspiring visitors to pursue careers in science and technology.

    5. Preserving Cultural and Scientific Heritage:

    • Honoring Scientific Pioneers: RSC pays tribute to renowned scientists and innovators, such as Sir C.V. Raman, by commemorating their contributions to science and celebrating their legacy through exhibitions and educational programs.
    • Preserving Natural Resources: RSC may also raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainable development, encouraging visitors to appreciate the importance of preserving natural resources and protecting the environment for future generations. 


             Raman Science Centre Nagpur Timings

                   Day                                         Time 

                   Monday ​​​ to Sunday                11:30 am – 7:00 pm (Mar - Oct)
    1                                                            10:30 am – 6:00 pm (Nov - Feb)

                      Raman Science Centre Nagpur Entry Tickets


    General Visitor

    Students In Organised Schools Groups


    Group of 25 Or More

    General Schools / Colleges

    Govt. Municipal Schools

    Science Center and Science Park





    Planetarium Show





    3 D Science Film Show





    Pre-historic Animal Park / Light & Sound Show





    Package Ticket 1 (Sci.Center + Sci. Park + Planetarium + 3D Film Show
    + Pre Historic Anim. Park)





    Package Ticket 2 (Sci.Center + Sci. Park + Planetarium + 3D Film Show)





    Parking 4 Wheeler Vechicle





    Parking 2 Wheeler Vechicle





    Science Film Show /
    SDL / Special show












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